Validation: (from Oxford Languages:)
the action of checking or proving the validity or accuracy of something."the technique requires validation in controlled trials"
the action of making or declaring something legally or officially acceptable."new courses, subject to validation, include an MSc in Urban Forestry"
recognition or affirmation that a person or their feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile."they have exaggerated needs for acceptance and validation"
In this case, I will be referring to the third bullet point. Feeling validated and accepted is something I believe is critical to having strong and positive mental health. People sometimes believe that their emotions are invalid. They believe that their feelings are incorrect and should be changed.
I remember one day scrolling through Instagram and coming across an image that spoke to me. It was something I saw and thought, "Hey, I should work on this." So, I saved it. It explains how your emotions are valid and why they occur. So I figured I would share the image here.
And of course, I linked the actual page in case you wanna check that out too.
Anyways, just some food for thought. I think it's important because I know so many people who feel like they are "insane" and don't know why they feel the way they do. I know I was there before too, and sometimes still am.
Living a life with a sibling who has emotional behavioral developmental and intellectual challenges made me feel afraid, and that I didn't have a right to feel that way because other people in my family were struggling more. However, I learned that I had every right to feel what I was feeling, and that everyone struggles in different ways. Whats important is that you recognize it, and do whatever you need to do to be okay.